Wednesday, January 09, 2008

112. Straight to Heaven

So once again I'm writing to let you all know that I am going to be out of the loop for a little while. My mom is coming to visit tomorrow. And if you are thinking "Really? Didn't you just spend 3 weeks with her in Toronto while you were recuperating from your surgery, and then only a week later spend another week with her over Christmas?" you are thinking much the same thoughts as me. But unfortunately, our thoughts are not the thoughts that matter. My mother has decreed that she is coming, and so she is. At least she's flying in this time, which means that she has to leave when she says she is (which is Monday night), so that is good.

In the interim, if you have time and bandwidth to spare, I highly suggest you download a copy of Straight to Heaven, a musical parody written by Justin Lee (yes, the same one who heads up GCN). It's absolutely brilliant, I laughed to the point of tears the first time I watched it. And aside from being thigh slappingly funny, it also happens to be a very spot on representation of the conflict that gay Christians go through - the pull from both the church and the gay community who say that living as both a gay person and a Christian is impossible.

Anyway, enjoy! Until we meet again.


ArmoredCity said...

hi - hope your time with your mother goes well!

JJ said...

Thanks Grant, Me too! I'm hoping it goes quickly. I love my mom (despite all the griping I do) but I've had a lot of her recently and I kind of need a break!

Unknown said...

Rock! I was hoping that I'd get to download that musical parody from Justin. Thanks for posting!

And hoping all goes well with your mom. Moms are like that sometimes. :)


David said...

Hey JJ,

It was good meeting you, however briefly, at the conference. I hope your mother's visit goes well and is absent any of the difficulties that so often come along with these things. I've enjoyed taking a more thorough look at your blog.



Michael said...

Ugh! your mom 'decreed' and you have to obey? She better be paying for your apartment. Otherwise you gotta just say NO!

viagra online said...

The church willn´t accept homosexuals, because that goes against nature. I've always wondered that because has to accept it everyone , nobody´s forced to do so. Only you have to think about what´s best for everyone!

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Anonymous said...


Elliott Broidy said...
